(Management, bio-integrated systems)
Green Guerrilla ecological cost-effective farming methods and solutions by harnessing the power of microbes, the foundation of life.
Farm management that unlocks the hidden potential of harnessing microbial exponential energy as a cost effective and ecological solution, a greener approach-greener CAN be cheaper!
Green Guerrillas, 13 years of research and development on primitive methods, backed by science that harness the exponential energy of nature (microbes).
Addressing the critical financial headache for every farmer-the cost of input to increase yield.
Culturing AACT (aerated activated compost tea) on a shoe string budget.
Available free energy sources that explore soil alchemy.
Microbial and worm husbandry-the future of the next generation of farming awaits.
The future of Organic waste-intercept, redirect, stabilize, bio-secure.
High dense nutrient rich feed for livestock grown in living sol and harvested in 7 days based on closed loop principles.
Bio-integrated systems that are backed by proof of concept, harness the massive potential of pigs, chickens and compost worms.
From 1 Acre, to 1 hectare and scalable.
Email us for more.